Monday, March 30, 2009

Oh Sleep, Where Art Thou?

I am sooooooo tired that I am officially grumpy-butt mummy. I couldn't sleep last night, of course it was because I am the ultimate professional & couldn't switch off after work..... rather than the reality of it being cold & then waking up roasting like a stuffed chook from leaving the electric blanket on & drifting off in the cocooned warmth it provided. So now things are really annoying me too easily & it's only 9.30am. You know what pissed me off this morning? The toaster booby-trapped my cinnamon & raisin bagel & incinerated it. Have you ever tried to bite a burnt bagel, oh yes I tried scraping off the black bits, but lets face it - the bagel could have shattered concrete should it fall on the floor. So I tried smothering it in chocolate spread to disguise the taste. End of story -> I licked all the chocolate spread off the top & ditched the bagel. MMMMMMMM..... soooo yummy, but not a good filler. I could always actually walk downstairs to the freezer & get another bagel out & go thru the process again, but I really need minions for that, it's too hard.

Miss Angelface will be finishing school in 2.5 HOURS. As a sleep-deprived non-fully functioning member of the parent squad ~ that just messes with my head people. It's a teacher day or something official like that, all I know is that it means that I've gotta find my happy mummy hat somewhere beneath the gray cloud of fog that is surrounding my head & ENJOY (or else, dammit.) an easter craft session that I promised Miss Angelface we could have this afternoon. Yay me. In a fit of mummy-guilts I was happy to suggest making easter baskets to take with us when we go camping -> stupido me! Now I'm hoping that Miss Angelface & Miss Fairygirl will take a very long time to do the colouring bits so my efforts wont look quite so pathetic.

High School Musical will definately be called up for action on the DVD player this afternoon I suspect. Nine more days until HSM3 is released on DVD & will be hired for an afternoon's viewing pleasure (Miss Angelface ~ not me) over the holidays -> yippee.

But, back to the lack of sleep. Oscar here is gonna be a mean momma & put Miss Fairygirl down for a kip this morning instead of after lunch all because I wanna!!! Bwhahahahahahahahahahaha.

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About Me

Im v. happily married to my sweetheart Wayne & have 2 gorgeous daughters ~ Angelface Bridie (7) + Fairygirl Meara (2). We are Aussies living in New Zealand and loving our stay!
